Monday, June 30, 2008

How We Started

Our meeting seemed to be orchestrated by a higher power. Danielle and I met by through our common love of children, and began working together because we both are passionate about protecting them.

Danielle was working at a local bookstore in my area and read for story time each day. I took my little boys to story time as much as I could because my oldest son LOVED the story lady. Her presence, enthusiasm, excitement and love for the children was infectious. She allowed my son, who is very assertive and talkative, to jump for joy when he heard a story he liked, call out when things made him smile, and allowed him to be himself within a group of children and parents. She showed ultimate respect for him, for the other children and for their parents and caretakers.

We became friends and as I learned that she was an author the wheels began to turn. The next time I saw her I asked her if there was anything written for kids and parents on the dangers of pornography. She agreed to do some research and came back with a clear "no". We started talking about doing one together. With her creative talent and my psychology and personal background I thought we'd make a great team.